As you might expect, any feelings of unfairness or perceived inequity are uncomfortable. They create a state of mind that equity theory says we are motivated to eliminate. What counts is how the recipient perceives the reward in his or her social context. Research on equity theory indicates that people who feel they are overpaid (perceived positive inequity) are likely to try to increase the quantity or quality of their work, whereas those who feel they are underpaid (perceived negative inequity) are likely to try to decrease the quantity or quality of their work. Fairness is a basic element of equity theory. Procedural justice is the degree to which the process, such as rules and procedures specified by policies, is properly followed in all cases to which it applies. Procedural justice within the Perfect Pizzeria organization decreases when managers are not present to oversee work. Interactional justice is the degree to which the people affected by a decision are treated with dignity and respect. Motivation has to be at a minimum for the employees because all their benefits have been stripped and they are getting tested and not trusted; they do not consider this fair at all considering the lack of benefits and trust. Therefore, the employees are acting their currently way because they do not perceive themselves to be …show more content…
In the end, research has shown that it works when over-rewarded employees produce more high quality service and under-rewarded employees tend to decrease their input. Managers should recognize what actions taken that will help motivating the employees. Managers should try to tie the rewards to employee performance; when the rewards should be relative to the amount of effort demonstrated by the employee. The managers should implement regular meetings with the employees and discuss goal setting and personal development. The employees should be able to set goals for their team or themselves and try and personally develop. A reward and recognition plan will help in increasing good performance that is noticed and shared by