My View on What It Means to Love One’s Country
Patriotism, according to Merriam Webster, is defined as “devotion or love for one’s country.” I believe this definition does not capture the true essence of the meaning of patriotism. This definition would be outstanding if there were no other conditions factored in this complex equation, but it seems that patriotism is a double-edged sword. The word patriotism strikes a lot of mixed emotions in people all over the United States. Some people describe themselves as involved patriots because they fly their American flag outside in their yards, when others see the word patriotism as disgusting and the seed of racism. Patriotism has spread like wildfire throughout the nation. Since the tragedy of September 11th, the country has regained extreme patriotism and it is what has united our country together since the tragic events. Patriotism is what gives moms and dads all over America the strength to send their children out to defend America and is a passion that lives in the hearts of people all over the world. This passion provides many different beliefs due to the diversity of people around the world. Most people would agree that
patriotism is a love for their country and that patriotism provides them with the courage to defend it. Patriotism is undoubtedly important and society should bring this feeling to each of us from early childhood. I also believe that patriotism starts with the love to the family and one can bring the most to his country by being able to protect, respect and value family and relationships that can be built in it. Different people have different reasons why they are patriotic and how they choose to be so. Often, the more people love their country, the more they hate every one who is not of their country. One example of this as stated by Michael Parenti in the essay “What Does It Mean to Love One’s Country”, is “perhaps love of country means loving the American ‘people’