HCPC can remove the registrant from the register if an individual’s health and character is comprised. HCPC inspect the health and character of all the new applicant and current members on the register to make sure they are capable of doing their work. New applicants have to sign a declaration form that they are fit enough to work. If the HCPC decides that the applicant or registrant’s health and character is affecting their quality of work they have the ability to reject the registration and thus making them unable to work as a biomedical scientist.
13. What are the foci of the standards of proficiency laid down by the HCPC?
The standards of proficiency specifies …show more content…
It is important to make sure that the laboratories should be only accessible to staff members.
Equipment, informative system and material
Equipment in the laboratory has to be in appropriate conditions and safe to work with. It is the responsibility of the laboratory management to check them regularly and record equipment failures and arrange replacements.
Pre-examination process
The pre-examination process are the stages that take place after the service users request, this involves filling out the correct request forms, state the date and collection of specimen, transport the specimen to laboratory in a safe manner and go through the correct examination procedures to produce results that are useful to the requestor.
Examination process
The test procedures need to meet the national regulations and guidelines and the specimens have to go through the correct test procedures to make sure that the results will be useful for the service users. The test procedures have to be followed precisely and they need to be monitored on a regular basis to ensure they are functioning properly.
The post examination