However, there can be an equally strong argument, that other historical factors played a huge role in helping to make the train and the market Revolution successful. American Manufacturing took off. Many, states depended on themselves for natural resources in the area to produce and manufactured. Cotton was one of the world’s first luxury commodities, then slaves, followed by, wheat, sugar, and tobacco. The market at the time saw unprecedented growth in the United States. At the same time, changes in the structure and framework of society began, the Age of Reform from 1820 to 1840, was going on at the same time. With the growing population, production of food required increasing amounts of agriculture and machinery to bring it to the market faster. Which, many of the hourly employees couldn't afford much anyway. Many who came in the great immigration wave of 1890 through 1914 were not quite prepared for what they found. Sadly, with wealth and power, come monopoly markets and unethical behavior, some bosses were acute, consider “robber barons,” some of the most horrible and tyrant employers. Which was a big culture shock for new …show more content…
Molten steel could splash and burn. Most horribly, when workers fell into a furnace, nobody was left for a funeral. Workers hurt on the job didn't receive disability, death Insurance or the family members left did not get any assistance from the employer. The employer tried to pay less and less any time they could or charge employees for things that were not their responsibility.
Companies were free to treat workers however they wished. There was no minimum wage. There was no minimum workday. When fathers weren't paid enough, many times children had to go to work to help feed the family. It was a hard decision that many families had to make. If somebody complained employer withhold food rationing or replace them. They were paid employees, not producers and were dependent upon hourly wages and the good will of their employers. Workers were looked at like machine parts when they were worn down they were simply