The communication between people it is very important and necessary, but more important it is communicate in an appropriate way that make a strong and comfortable relationship. For instance, If you want that two person of a different culture, nature language and continents communicate in the appropriate way, would be necessary a common language. A language is system of symbols used by people to express and communicate thoughts, feelings and to compare and define thing as better or worse. Each language has a particular lexicon that it is a collection of words and expressions, also has a phonology that represent the sound used to pronounce words and for last syntax and grammar, the rules for combining words to form sentences and larger units of expression. Inside the language exist a dialect that is a unique form of a more general language spoken by a specific culture or co-culture. The smaller group that speak a common dialect are known as speech communities. No one dialect is better or worse than another, each of them uses different lexicons, phonologies, grammar and syntaxes. In addition, each of us uses our own personal symbol system called an idiolect, which includes our actives vocabularies and our unique sounds and pronunciation of words. The language has many characteristics, one of them it is arbitrary that means, the words are used to represent things in any language, it is not necessary a connection between the word and the meaning, it must be recognized and bring you an idea, feeling or particular object. The language also it is considerate abstract that represent the word given you an idea but don’t given you the answer, for example the word “pet” given you an idea that is and animal in the house but don’t give you exactly If it is a dog, cat, fish, bird or other animal. Like everything else, the language also changes over…