The growth of sports in Europe happened for varied values which the games held. People perceived different roles for the sports. Some believed that sports honed cooperation, while others valued the competition between nations which sports instilled. Still others valued the personal strength which performance created. The growth of sports, as shown by document 2, created different issues of worry and brought sports to an international foreground. As sports its fan base spread and created a new brand of fanaticism.…
All sports are different and have their own rules and regulation. Some sports are in more action involving more team players like soccer or basketball; others are more individual such as golf or tennis. But, in essence, they are cultivating the mood in order for the event to promote a pleasurable leisure activity, enjoyment, and joyfulness for people to watch. Everyone would cheer for the score; winning team would celebrate the victory. In the other hand, the losing team would be forgotten in the crowd. They were working as hard as the winning team. We should recognize the effort and support for them. Showing the good sportsmanship…
feeling of community by linking the team to nationhood. This attraction felt by sports fans towards the aspect of community is highlighted in Commercial Sport, as the article describes how spectating globalized sports “offers an opportunity for people to develop a sense of belonging, feel part of a bigger community and is a refuge from everyday life concerns” (Genz and Møller 269). However, the problem with creating a marketing strategy that utilizes themes of nationalism and patriotism is that by focusing on these ideals, said values of nationalism and patriotism become commodified and reified for the club’s own commercial gain, thus exploiting the inherent feelings of nationalism already present within the fan base. As a result of this…
1. Rules of sports and activities The rules of sports and activities are designed specifically for the sport or activity in order to promote safety and the wellbeing of the athlete whilst assisting the flow of play.(2) Rules promote fair play and prevent injury when enforced by referees and umpires therefore promoting safe participation. - Within school and junior sports specific rules are implemented to promote safe participation. An example of this includes: a) AFL is a physical contact sport in which many aspects of the game can cause injury to a participant if rules are not implemented.…
H. says a sport is an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.…
Defining something as a "sport" is not always as easy as you might think. This is because there really aren't any official guidelines as to what makes a sport a sport. Personally, I believe that a true sport should consist of team effort toward a goal, physical fitness and activity, and some form of formal scoring system.…
Sports are connected with the webs of ideas and beliefs that people use to give meaning to the world and make sense of their experiences.…
According to the Oxford Dictionary. The dictionary states that “a sport is a an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” Well people would say “What’s so hard about walking and playing an instrument?” 1. They are marching. 2.That takes both mental and physical exertion. A sport… “An individual or team competes against others for entertainment.” Bands go to Band Competitions. A sport has a team which is also a group of people that are coming and working together for a common…
Sports are something that everyone in the world, regardless of age, sex, or nationality, can enjoy. Whether it's a child playing in his first t-ball game or a professional athlete swimming in the Olympics and everyone in between, sports can connect almost everyone. Fan support and overall devotion for athletic competition has raised professional athletes to superstars and national icons; Super Bowl Sunday is a national holiday to some, and sports are one of the largest moneymakers in the economy.…
What is a sport? According to google a sport is “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment”. However in my opinion a sport doesn't need to be physical to be called a sport, i think it's just a activity that its competitive.…
Throughout the past severalweeks, many ideas have been presented about how sport is producer and product of society. I agree with all the ideas presented in thisclass. I believe the sport is the producer and product of society because of how sport can be influence on everything that surrounds it. Every aspect of our society is affected by sport. Our race affects the amount of sport that we are exposed to. Our social class limits our availability to play certain kinds of sports we may want to play. Corporate America affects the way that we may respond to sport and affect our personal purchase decision. Even our gender can affect the way that we see sport and how others may see us in sports. We may not see it but our position in society affects everything around us even sport and how available sports are to us.…
What is a sport? The definition of a sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others, governed by rules and conditions under which a winner is declared. Competitive cheerleading follows all of these guidelines to this definition.…
There is a sport out there that people can put aside their problems, hatred, and differences and instead put in all their passion and love for the sport on the field. This sport has changed the world in many ways and has now become more than a sport. It has become an instrument of peace, unity, and business. It has brought many positive cultural, business, and economic effects in this world. It’s the beautiful sport of soccer; the universal language of the world.…
sport is an activity involving physical efforts and skills in which individual or team competes against another or other people. Usually in sports communication is the most important factor in the team but if they are individual sports it based on their skills. sports are played all over the world, whether as hobbies, careers or to exercise. Throughout entire sports, soccer had been dominant sports that there is hardly anyone in this world who had not kick a ball at some point in their lives. soccer is divided into three types: outdoor, indoor, and freestyle which outdoor is the most frequent soccer everyone played. soccer is the most simple sport and easiest sport to learn. There is few factor people need to know how to play soccer.…
The Merriam-Webster definition of a sport is “a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other”. In most cases a person would argue that for something to be considered a sport, it must take some physical ability, which according to the definition, is true. But as time goes on there are people considering activities like pro gaming as a sport, even though there is no physical activity…