Mrs. Kehrmeyer
English 11
5 April, 2017
First Amendment-Freedom Of The Press
Freedom of the press is part of the five main freedoms represented in the United States Constitution. The First Amendment was ratified in 1791 along with the Bill Of Rights with also brought 9 other amendments including the First. The freedom given from the First Amendment have helped solve many court cases, and is still used in our daily lives everyday. The First Amendment is the leading role of new amendments in our constitution. First, the meaning of Freedom Of The Press is “freedom of the press is guaranteed by the first amendment to the U.S Constitution, which prohibits Congress from making laws abridging the freedom … of the press (Source #3).” …show more content…
According to John R the first amendment “Is useful as a way of helping individuals develop their talents and widen their knowledge and also as a mechanism for disseminating vital information about political candidates and the positions they take on matters of public policy.” Freedom of the press is used for spreading your talent around society so you can get well known over the internet and also can be used to gain more knowledge from other people and used to spread useful information about Congress, courts and government in general. Freedom of the was made to keep us the citizens informed about our government and the world around so citizens can make well thought out decisions on our government. According to John R there was another reason to why free press was made, “Like freedom of speech, freedom of the press is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S Constitution, which prohibits Congress from making laws abridging the freedom of the press. As the reference to Congress indicates, this clause was originally adopted as a way of limiting the national government after Anti-Federalist …show more content…
Though the First amendment is not perfect it still holds a great balance to our Constitution and its power. Also it gives the citizens within the United States to change its government for the greater good and the best part about it is that people can petition peacefully. The first amendment also allows us to broadcast information on different types of “outlets” such as television, radio, social media, newspapers, and billboards. It is disappointing knowing that no matter what kind of racist idea is being pushed out to the public it will not be involved in a court case as long as they aren't harming any citizens but I believe that even though they have the right to be protected as long as it brings no harm to others; that they deserve some kind of small punishment for “disturbing the peace”. The First Amendment sets a perfect example of freedoms that should be given everywhere. I feel like the James Madison never knew what kind of ways people may use/abuse the First Amendment. This really bothers me to a certain level because the amendments were for the common good of people and for it to be abused in such a wrongfully is just unacceptable in my books. People really don’t know how thankful they should be living in a country where freedom is given and power is given