Classical China consisted of three main social groups: Landowners and bureaucrats, peasants and urban artisans, and, finally, the “mean” people. Trading became important to the Chinese people. Technology began to boom in this time period as well, like the invention of the plow. Family was also very important to the Chinese culture. India’s main set of rules was called the caste system. The caste system controlled everything that happened in India. Citizens that were poor or were lower on the caste level had fewer rights. Husbands and fathers were more dominant than women. Women had fewer rights than men. Social classes called varnas in India consisted of warriors, priests, and brahmans. The top-class was followed by the Vaisyas, traders and farmers, and Sudras. The last group was called the “untouchables”. It was believed that touching these people would lower your varna. India had to have a strict system since India was a regional society unlike China which had just one
Classical China consisted of three main social groups: Landowners and bureaucrats, peasants and urban artisans, and, finally, the “mean” people. Trading became important to the Chinese people. Technology began to boom in this time period as well, like the invention of the plow. Family was also very important to the Chinese culture. India’s main set of rules was called the caste system. The caste system controlled everything that happened in India. Citizens that were poor or were lower on the caste level had fewer rights. Husbands and fathers were more dominant than women. Women had fewer rights than men. Social classes called varnas in India consisted of warriors, priests, and brahmans. The top-class was followed by the Vaisyas, traders and farmers, and Sudras. The last group was called the “untouchables”. It was believed that touching these people would lower your varna. India had to have a strict system since India was a regional society unlike China which had just one