Students have many pressures to deal with. Pressures they deal with that occur at all times. This problem is a major issue to students everywhere in this world. These pressures can occur in any level of their educational career and are pressures that occur from sun up to sun down.…
When one begins college, they may experience a whole new type of pressure that they have never felt before. One may feel the need to produce absolutely perfect work on all given assignments. This has become a new reality for college students that want to have a perfect score on every assignment, how much extra work they have done to improve their grades, and how many hours they have spent in the library just trying to get ahead. With college tuition going up each year, many students want to perform their best which could lead to better jobs and opportunities which can then help pay college debt. This is the new pressure that students are putting on themselves each and every day and many are afraid of falling behind in their work and will not…
Inadequate preparation such as last minute studying also contribute to exam stress and anxiety. Another factor that enhances exam stress is pressure from family. Students are constantly stressed by the academic expectations that their parents want them to fulfil. Parents that persistently compare their children’s grades with…
Under this principle student should understand the level of challenge so that they can accept the challenge and can get their goals.…
Most people think that it is unreasonable to think that stress down get to the students. Most of a fact is that students get one chance to pass the test, which means if they do not they will get left behind. This stress impacts the students more than the teacher involved in the situation. (Reddell 3) Also, teachers may sometimes put up visual aids for the students’ failure and the grades, sometimes in individual forms. This form of harrassment allows all the students to see which of their fellow classmates are failing the class and or test. This factor may kill the students’ self esteem. (Reddell 3) Students feel the pressure to pass the test to continue on with the rest of the class. Most students feel intimidated and stressed at the testing time and before or after it as well. By feeling intimidated and stressed, students can create negative compacts on their lives. (Reddell…
with academic stress arising from self-expectations. This study is useful in terms of testing the…
It is also well-known that the high weighting of examinations, which is significant for final exams, can lead to produce amount of students overburdened in their mind. There are increasing numbers of forms of examinations in the university such as presentations, assignments, closed-book exams. The more formal this exam is, the larger proportion of the final success it occupied. Accordingly, students who have the high expectations want to achieve a perfect result, which can give rise to the social pressure in their study. However, the high weighting of the examination is just a reasonable standard for the knowledge and skills you have grasped. If students work hard during the long…
Students receive numerous pressure in school. Many are pressured to have good grades to be able to attend a good…
It’s true that exams make students stressful and anxious. Some students say that when exams come near, they have to cram a lot of lesson in short time, which make them exhaust. That is the reason why students wish exams would be abolished. However, these pressures aren’t caused by exams but students. During the studying, students should take note the main points of each subject and review…
School children postpone studying during normal school days and when the exams rear their head on them, they are left worried and tense because they haven’t finished studying. On the other hand the handful students who study regularly are cool as cucumbers when exams are round the corner. They have enough time to revise and they are well prepared for the exam.…
� *The pressure of performing well is so much that if the student has not studied upto the required standards, he/she even sometimes uses unfair means in the examination hall to copy from a near sitting intelligent student and get good marks.…
� *The pressure of performing well is so much that if the student has not studied up to the required standards, he/she even sometimes uses unfair means in the examination hall to copy from a near sitting intelligent student and get good marks.…
A students life is often plagued by examination.The demand to do well is further increased as good grades woud lead one to secure entry to a good grades would lead one to secure entry to a good university and consequently to a good job and future.Hence,there is no surprise and mentel health problems among school-going children.…
Firstly, the approach of present examination systems means the beginning of fear, tension, anxiety and stress in the minds of the students under which if a student doesn't performs according to his/her parents expectations may lead to students even taking the extreme step of ending their life by doing suicide.…
When students get admission in a university, they have no idea about studies requirement. Most of them have old patterns of seeking knowledge at the beginning, they apply the same old techniques but after some time they realize that old techniques are no more effective. Gradually they started developing mature study style. Some students, when enter the higher education institution, feel free themselves from all the worries of studies which affect their studies negatively. Even they get failed in their tests or exams and there are some other poor study habits which affect the achievement of the students. These are as follow: This is a very common mistake which is made by students, and also most unavoidable from the side of students. When students enter, especially in the universities, they think of themselves free from every duty of studies. When students leave their classes, due to this, their study habits are also affected. They get used to it and lose their positions. If they want to succeed in their life, they should be punctual in their studies, attend all lectures which the teacher delivers in the class.…