My use of media isn’t too bad. I don’t have accounts to most of the social media forums that most people use. I set up a facebook account a few months ago because many of my childhood friends have moved away to college and I want to keep in touch with them. I probably could watch a little less CBS, but as a whole, I don’t use too much media. …show more content…
I always have a song stuck in my head. If I am not working, I have earbuds in my ears. I think that it probably has an effect on my life. I have always been musically minded, but over the years, it has become a shield or a safety blanket. Having earbuds in is kind of a social cue that the person doesn’t want to be bothered. But as a result I have fewer meaningful conversations with people. I live in a bubble and I am insulated from the world. As such, I would suppose I have less opportunity to live, love, and serve.
I am going to try to decrease my music input. I am going to have my music off whenever I am downstairs with my family. And I will not plug in the earbuds when I am at lunch at work. There are always conversations to be had, if I just unplug a little