Rakow, W. E. (2005). NCO-Focused AARs How to Make the Unit Better. Infantry, 94(4), 11.…
It is important to note that in a time of budget cuts and manpower reduction, balancing readiness and modernization will continue to be an issue across the entire Department of Defense. Nevertheless, the Army will need to continue to scale its forces into scalable, well-equipped, and highly trained force in order to maintain readiness in an unpredictable world where modernization is absolutely necessary for the Nation to address future global trends. Additionally, it is crucial that the Army continues to conduct rigorous and practical training at home stations at multi-echelon levels and leverage modern technologies such as virtual and simulation capabilities. Finally, the Army needs to capitalize more on the skills and knowledge of the Army National Guard and Army Reserve as well as having the right mix of capabilities in order to establish and maintain a globally responsive and regionally-engaged force.…
The white paper is written in 2010 when the U.S. had been fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for nine years. The Army had evolved to meet new challenges arose from these unconventional wars, and it had brought significant changes to how soldiers trained and fought enemies. These changes demanded a need for the Army to assess itself as a profession of arms and determine whether the right key attributes had been identified and reinforced. The purpose is to introduce terms, concepts, and proposed definitions to help begin the assessment.…
What aspects of training do you believe most need evaluation and what methods would you develop to evaluate today’s effectiveness of training?…
Standards are necessary within an organization to promote discipline, production, and efficiency. Recently, the Sergeant Major of the Army visited the Sergeants Major Academy and the focus of his presentation was really about Army Standards. The Sergeant Major’s message got me thinking about Army standards and the inconsistent application of these standards throughout the Army, specifically the ethical dilemmas that arise due to this inconsistency. If an organization’s standards are applied inconsistently, that organization’s culture changes and allows room for unethical application of those standards. In the Army we see this inconsistent application of standards in the areas of height and weight standards, the APFT, the tattoo policy, application of punishment through the UCMJ, and in unit reporting.…
what is the importance of uniformity ,dress right dress, and discipline in the army? the importance of uniformity is to make everyone become and look equal. there are no differences between us, no separation because we are all a team. what is the point of uniformity, when a whole platoon is uniformed it shows discipline and being in uniform is one of the things that is part of the foundation of the army. Without uniformity there cannot be discipline, and then it turns into a chain reaction and destroying the foundation of the army. being in uniformity shows soldiers how they can do things together and how working together, we as people can do anything we want to accomplish. it also teaches soldiers that uniformity also shows responsibility that when things are disorganized nothing ever gets done, but when there are no differences holding back from completing the mission anything can be done 110%. Everything needs to also have discipline without having the discipline to fix something that is out of place when you know that it needs to be fix then everything would be jacked up. For example, if it were not for my leadership to keep us awake all night, night before the inspection cleaning everything making sure that everyone was truly dress right dress, checking all the wall lockers and bed display we may vary would have not passed the inspection on our own. the reason I say that for is because we all come from different up brings, some were taught discipline and others were brought up spoiled and had everything done for them and or never had anyone there to teach them how to keep thing neat or responsibility to make sure rules are completed 110%. when every is dress right dress it eliminates the difference that people have, it eliminates jealousy, deformity and also our disabilities and everything separates us from being the same. in the army, during our training we have to learn to put all of our differences aside and push through together through…
An unbalanced force brings upon a challenge to effectively develop our Soldiers. It not only impedes our forces, but in turn it decreases our effectiveness and capability to employ when and where the nation needs forces and succeeding in the mission. We have learned over the many years through the first outbreaks of war and conflict how the lack of Senior leadership presence forced junior Soldiers to fight the war with no experience and expertise. As the war evolved, the Army logically adapted to a strategy of combat where all Soldiers became versatile. The balance of leadership also affects the balance of the Army’s culture, climate and its institutional practices. How well they are aligned effects the influences of today’s Army Soldiers and their commitment, fulfillment and welfare. The institutional management systems in today’s Army must be utilized to retain and motivate Soldiers to thrive as they continue to progress in the Organization. (An Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms,…
Taekwondo in combination with attending two academically rigorous high schools, AAST and SCGSSM, have prepared me mentally and physically to take on the many challenges I have faced. Whether that has been preparing for a Linear Algebra, Micro-Molecular Biology, and Computer Science test the next day or creating a community engagement project to help reduce the crime and obesity rate in our local community - I got it done. My experience at the Governor’s School has taught me how to lead a student body of about 250 students in order to achieve a greener campus and a reformed living and learning environment. Though many of these experience hardly scratch the surface the responsibilities and skills of being an Infantry Officer, I believe they are the first steps to achieving this…
Yes I know that a lot of basic training soldiers who just graduated come here and think its time to party and go to school like this is some college campus so I understand you have to have rules and regulations to keep those students in check. BUT how about the mature adults who are twenty five to thirty five years old and have to come and put up with these rules that make us feel like children. Take the prior service soldiers who come in and don't have to deal with these ridiculous rules, why can't the higher ups take AIT soldiers who are married and have families into consideration and allow the automatic phasing after time served especially after passing the first course, which I will go into detail later on. Some of the older students should in the age range I mentioned should be allow to phase up as soon as the first course is done and the student has passed the course. I can not stress enough the fact the just passing the first course at the fast pace that the military expects us to pass it in is a feat in itself, guaranteed most the people that come into the army at that stage in their life is going to have a hard…
The history of the United States military has been one of contradictions. From the American Revolution to modern times the every branch of the military has evolved into one of the most efficient fighting forces in the world. As society changes so has the military. At times, the service has been at the leading edge inclusion, but it has still…
Checks and inspections are our number one tool to combat apathy and complacency. It is human nature for people to get used to their surroundings and begin to overlook minor problems. When complacency sets in; battle buddies and sergeants stop making on-the-spot corrections. By performing regular inspections, I am able to correct small problems before they become big problems. Checks and inspections also help my soldiers and I to bond. We can learn each others’ weaknesses and help one another become better, stronger and more efficient soldiers. Performing pre-combat checks can also help them feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in themselves and their unit as they meet the standards and I as their team leader can feel pride in the fact they are squared away.…
By consistently doing the right thing and showing no favoritism we improve ourselves, our fellow soldiers, and the Army as a whole. Integrity improves everyone by making sure that everyone can expect equal treatment and not fear a mistake or a supervisor’s mood. We improve ourselves by building pride in doing what is right and overcoming obstacles whether they be pear pressure or just fear. We also build a reputation that will last a lifetime and reinforce the personal courage to do what we feel is right. Our fellow soldiers are improved because they know what to expect and do not have to worry will I be destroyed because he was in a bad mood or will I get off easy because he likes me. Integrity also improves the moral of soldiers knowing that their fellow soldiers will do right thing and take care of each other no matter how hard that is. The Army is improved because the general character of soldiers is increased and we do not force good soldiers to quite or become bad soldiers because they grew fed-up with arbitrary and inconsistent decisions.…
The second thing I would change would be how many civilians we have working for the army. I work with some of these civilians and they get paid way more than we do. Well these civilians do jobs that soldiers can do themselves. So if we reduced the number of civilians that worked for us then the army could save more money and maybe even more time by doing so. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that we should have civilians still working for us for certain things, like cleaning, moving, certain training and maybe a few other things. But the things that a soldier can get an MOS out of shouldn’t be replaced by a civilian.…
I’ll start off the main part of the essay by saying that a good portion of what is written in this essay is knowledge from AR 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia. The rest will be based on personal opinions and thoughts. The first thing I will be going over is discipline.…
Make this change a top priority by pushing for immediate mindset change from all members of the force.…