During 2011, Pakistan experienced floods for the second year in a row. But unlike 2010 catastrophic floods, 2011 flooding was localized and restricted to lower Sindh and affected mostly rice and cotton crops in the flood affected areas. The rice crops in Punjab and upper Sindh remained unaffected. Pakistan‟s MY 2011/2012 rice production is now estimated at 6.5 million tons, thirty percent higher than the 2010/11 flood affected production level of 5.0 million tons. MY 2012/13 production is forecast at 6.8 million tons. Post‟s estimate of Pakistan‟s rice exports in MY 2010/11 is increased 28 percent to
3.2 million tons mainly due to the increased demand and better prices in the world market. Pakistan‟s rice exports also benefited from India‟s ban on rice exports, earlier in the marketing year. MY 2011/12 rice exports are estimated at 3.7 million tons, three percent higher than last year‟s export estimate. Rice exports in MY 2012/13 are projected at 4.0 million tons based on the expectation of a good harvest.
Wheat is Pakistan‟s most important agricultural crop, which is grown by about 80 percent of all farmers, and covers close to 40 percent