It is the common nature of every human being to believe in something, when he feel it through any of his five senses (Seen by own eyes, heard by own ears, felt by touch, smelled by self, or tasted by self). Even many of the Christian believers have had a question in his mind during the time of tribulations in life that; is the God a fact or a fantasy? Here I would like to share you the one and only truth, that “our God reigns” is a fact. A real desire will definitely lead to a spiritual encounter with God and through which you can taste the love of God.
So, it is a just desire of everyone in this world to see and experience the presence of God in his imagination; about His nature, His image, His Omni potency, His Omni presence, His Omni knowledge etc. What about you? Have you ever think of it.
Is it possible to see God with our naked eyes?
No, not at all but can feel His Holy presence; because God is omnipresent spirit and beyond our imaginations. Let us go through an example. The science says that Sun is a Planet in the Milky Way and it is at an average distance of 150million Kilometers (92,960,000 miles) far from Earth. Speed of light is 186,000 miles per second and it takes about 8 minutes (it is called 8-light minutes) to reach the Earth. In other words the planet Earth travels around the Sun at an average distance of about 92,960,000 miles from it (As per NASA reports). See how far the Sun is from our planet Earth? Even though, we could not glare at the Sun in noon. Amazingly, scientists could not invent any kind of
Space shuttle with the speed of light even today. If we travel at the speed of light it will take many thousand years to cross the Milky Way in the universe.
(One end to another). The Holy Bible says that God made the universe, Sun,
Moon and Stars by uttering a word (sound) from His mouth. The NASA scientists finally found and declare that the universe came into existence after a “BIG BANG” (means