A quality that makes a good friend is ability of the person to help you. When you are stuck on a problem in life, a good friend will help you to solve the problem. He will work hard with you to arrive to different solutions of the problem. He will be with you until you are able to successfully resolve the issue. He will not leave you alone half-way. He will cheer you up when you are sad and lonely by telling you a silly joke or acting silly or having a bowl of ice-cream. A true friend will feel restless when you are not feeling good and will do everything to bring back happiness in your life.
Another quality of a good friend is that who listens to you. Sometime you just need someone to listen to you and that makes your heavy heart light. A good friend will be there for you to listen to you even if it is a middle of night. This is because he deeply cares for you good in your life. He will not shy away from you when you need an ear to listen. He will make sure that he has the time for you no matter how busy he is.
One more quality that I look in a friend is that person is honest to you. A good friend will tell you when you are making mistakes. He will stop you from making mistakes in