Cholecystokinin (CCK). (886) 7) At what age do children have all their primary teeth, and how many are there? 2 years old and 20. (862) 8) The solutes contained in saliva include sodium, potassium, Chlorine, Phosphate, Hydrochloride (K+, Cl-, PO43-, HCO3-). (860-861) 9) The stomach initiates protein digestion and denatures proteins. T/F (866, 871) 10) Chyme is created in the stomach. (866) 11) Hydrochloric acid is secreted by which of the secretory cells of the stomach? Parietal cells …show more content…
(853) 14) What is pepsinogen? Inactive form of pepsin. (870) d. What is it secreted by? Secreted by chief cells in the stomach. 15) Parietal cells of the stomach produce hydrochloric acid. (870) 16) What chemical does a chief cell produce pepsinogen. (870) 17) What vitamin requires intrinsic factor in order to be absorbed? B12 (871) 18) Chemical digestion reduces large complex molecules to simpler compounds by the process of catabolism. (854) 19) The terminal portion of the small intestine is known as the ileum. (877) 20) The active form of vitamin D has a cofactor that regulated in blood, what is it? Calcium (900) 21) What is the function of goblet cells? To secrete mucus that protects part of the digestive organs from the effects of powerful enzymes needed for food digestion. (878) 22) What is the fluid secreted into the small intestine during digestion that contains cholesterol, emulsification agents, and phospholipids? Bile (884) 23) What is cirrhosis? Progressive chronic inflammation of the liver. Results in irreversible scarring of the liver. Comes from chronic alcoholism or severe chronic hepatitis.