Guilt is an unhappy feeling that you have done something wrong or you think you have done something wrong. Or it also refers to the fact that you’ve done something wrong. It also can be explained as the state of having committed to an offense or the remorse caused by feeling responsible foe some offense. However, white guilt is the individual or collective guilt often said to be felt by some people for the racial treatment of people of color by whites both historically and presently. White guilt has been described as one of several psychosocial costs of racism for white individuals along with the ability to have empathic reasons towards racism, and fear of non-whites. Between 1950s to 1960s, as far as the white guilt was concerned, the whites underwent an archetypal Fall. Because of the great turmoil of the civil rights movement, and later Black Power Movement, whites were confronted for more than a decade whether they should comply with or acknowledge the blacks, and their growing existence and importance. They had to face their previous bad attitudes towards blacks, in detail; it’s their indifference to human suffering and denigration, their capacity to abide evil for their own benefit and in the distance of their own sacred principles. And with the 1964 Civil Rights passed through the legislation, in a certain sense, the official admission of white guilt finally came to this world. In the 1960s most whites know it was useless t o take a denial attitude towards the blacks. With this defense lost and with more and more prominent white guilt in white people’s mind, it seemed the only way to solve this problem is the road back to innocence ---- through actions and policies that bring redemption. White guilt sometimes truly can be the right motive for doing good works or showing concern, like achieving the parity with whites and finally eliminate the prejudice between these two. But it’s still dangerous