Jerry Bridges 96 pages
I Don’t Remember the Date I Finished This Book 1. Who Am I? ( Identity In Christ) 2. Jerry Bridges 3. Jerry Bridges was born on December 4, 1929 in Tyler Texas. He is also an eager Christian author, speaker and staff member of The Navigators. Mr. Bridges also studied at the University of Oklahoma. 4. The Publisher is by the Cruciform Press 5. Published in 2012 Adelphi, Maryland 6. My personal preference Who Am I’s tone read off as informative because of certain chapters, key points and facts. 7. The main idea in this book is to get the reader to know or have some idea as to what their purpose is while living on this earth and being comfortable with who you are in Christ. 8. Three points that stood out to me * The second chapter points out that I should know that I am in Christ but also human. As a human I am a sinner but God is forgiving and wants me to repent and enjoy my life here on this earth while living it to bring him glory. * The sixth chapter headlines that I am A Saint in this chapter Mr. Bridges states that a saint is one of the most widely misunderstood words in our Christian vocabulary. Not only is just the word saint misunderstood in the Christian vocabulary it’s also misunderstood in the secular world we live in today. Lastly the only way to understand that you are a saint in Christ is to express love and gratitude for what God has done for us on the cross. * On page 61 is said to examine yourself and Mr. Bridges gives about 6 questions to ask yourself. He also said while examining yourself you should keep in mind of friends, relatives and have they considered themselves as Christians. 9. This book definitely held my interest for three reasons I love how Jerry Bridges is a simple writer, the book did a question I never thought of but was open to read what he had to say. Jerry Bridges simplicity can help those readers that have hard