Thrasymachus’ argument of might makes right goes better according to what I have seen from how the justice system works and how unfair society is when those in might, either monetary power or hierarchical power are always in advantage than those who do not have anything. Now a day’s society has shown us that the power of money rules over everything, if you have more money than someone else and you commit a crime then you can overrule that crime because might makes right. Although I think that Thrasymachus argument is true, I do not think that it fully applies to everything in relation to a government because several instances the people has the right to choose over who they want to represent them and I think that this power of choosing who they want limits in a certain way the power that leaders may
Thrasymachus’ argument of might makes right goes better according to what I have seen from how the justice system works and how unfair society is when those in might, either monetary power or hierarchical power are always in advantage than those who do not have anything. Now a day’s society has shown us that the power of money rules over everything, if you have more money than someone else and you commit a crime then you can overrule that crime because might makes right. Although I think that Thrasymachus argument is true, I do not think that it fully applies to everything in relation to a government because several instances the people has the right to choose over who they want to represent them and I think that this power of choosing who they want limits in a certain way the power that leaders may