Like with most of CRYSTAL QUEST whole house systems, the first stage consists of a sediment filter which, as the name suggests, removes sediment along with sand, silt and dirt. By trapping the bigger contaminants, this filter extends the live of the other filters, thus prolonging the life of the overall system. Stages 2 to 7 consists of different filters designed for traping hundreds of water contaminants. The most important filtration media is the probably the GAC filter which consists of a mixture of coconut shell and catalytic GAC, which traps chlorine and its common byproducts. The last stage is deigned for removing VOCs, industrial solvents, pesticides and …show more content…
The first stage consists of a sediment filter which removes silt, dirt, sand and sediment. During the second and the fourth stage, the water undergoes an oxidation/reduction process by flowing through 2 beds of Redox Allow. This stage primarily targets chlorine, iron,hydrogen sulfide, lead copper, aluminum and other heavy or dissolved metals. Stage 3 also targets heavy metals while also dealing with water hardness. During the fifth stage, the water is forced through granulated activated carbon which absorbs VOCs and other chemicals, as well any unpleasant odors. During stage 6 and 7, the water is ionized and remineralized. The benefits of ionized water are well known nowadays and many people resort to water ionizers in order to increase the quality of their drinking water. Luckily, you don't have to purchase both a water filter and a waterionizer as the Eagle whole house filters can deliver pure, alkaline/ionized water every day. Stage 8 consists of a gravel bed and stage 9 consists of a magnet which lowers the water's surface tention and increses its absorptivity. Stage 10 consists of a solid carbon cartridge for removing different types of VOCs. Last but not least, stage 11 consists of a 0.2 micron membrane which traps colloids, proteins, viruses, bacteria, parasites and any other molecules larger than 0.2