they assume that the child action was not a surprise because of the negative environment that he was exposed at home. This is because the children tend to follow all the patterns that they see and learn at home. If the child grow up in a house where verbal and physical abuse is practice this contribute to the child temper of solving problems in a negative way. Was there something biologically wrong with the child? I personally do not think that it was something biologically or something related to the ¨Nature concept. Why? We could see how the ¨Nature¨ concept is defined as the person or child being primarily influenced by the parent’s genes or biological status. In this situation is more frequent to see the ¨Nurture concept being developed. Why? The ¨Nurture¨ concept refers to an influence in the person or child environment or social circle which take them to adopt certain behaviors in the society.
In ¨Who's to blame¨, the 6 year old killer adopt a behavior that he learned at home which we could refer to the ¨Nurture¨ concept, which is based on the negative influences in the person or child environment and which negative influence they practice outside the house.
If we come to organize this situation under a certain topic it will be: temperament. From my point of view, I think the child got to a point where his anger took full control of his mind taking him to do things that from his point of view were not correct but because he thought the gun had not bullets he keep doing it. What I studied and could see in the child was, that in the way in which he was being raised was so wrong that he got to a point in where he thought that in order for him to solve the problem with the little girl, he most had to get into a position where she felt he was in total control of the situation and which she feel scare. This type of behavior we tend to see it on abusive relationships which are develop in household with bad influences and from which the children use to take examples of. In conclusion, who I think we should blame are the parent because of the bad influence and the abusive environment in which they raised the