
Why Affirmative Action Is Wrong

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Why Affirmative Action Is Wrong
For far too long, American citizens have been cheated out of fair opportunity for education. By trying to correct the wrongs of the past, we have only further pushed ourselves into the mess. If Americans do not change now, it may become too late in the future. Affirmative action has only succeeded in accomplishing the exact opposite of its goals. Thus, race should not be considered in college applications or jobs.

First, to understand why affirmative action is wrong, one must understand the intentions behind it. Affirmative action was put into place to make up for the gap caused by slavery, segregation, and racism by making it easier for certain races to get jobs and acceptance into college. This sets a minimum percent of each race that companies and colleges are required to have.

Although fixing the wrongs of the past is a noble idea, statistics show that the percent of African Americans in college has only increased by a measly 1% over the past decade (Hassan 1). Clearly affirmative action isn’t doing its intended job so the phrase “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” doesn’t apply. A research
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This may be true, however, we must also ask ourselves “What did Asian Americans do to deserve a lower chance of getting into college than their peers based off performance?” A student named Michael Wang filed a complaint against Harvard to the Department of Education after getting rejected from most of the top colleges even though he had a myriad of accomplishments such as a perfect ACT score, 3rd place at a national piano competition, top 150 in national math competition, and competed in several national debating competitions (The Economist 1). It is really upsetting to know that even with a decade of hard work and many achievements that race could still hinder one from getting into the college of their

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