In today’s society, money is more consequential than ever. There are more billionaires today then ever before. However the reality is that most of the world still lives in complete poverty; an estimated 40% of the world still lives on less then 2$ a day {1 (January 2013 Written by Anup Shah)} and almost 75% of children world wide do not get secondary level education. However 200years ago, the average income around the world was almost the exact same.
Purpose, method and scope
The purpose of this report is to explain what happened in the last 200years to increase the world per capital income to 800% and create such a huge gap between the rich and the poor. In order to find out why there is such a huge gap between these countries we must assess certain factors: a countries social status, historical information, economical statistics, environmental status, political status and technological status.
A countries social status is very important in the countries value. In highly developed countries such as Australia the mortality rates are very low and over 95% of children can expect to live past the age of 5, where as in countries such as Bangladesh only 59% of children can expect to live past the age of 5{14 (2013 Written by UN)}.
Gender Equality
Education is one of the most fundamental aspects of a successful country, for example in Australia almost 100% of children get some sort of primary education and over 75% complete a secondary education. This gives them the necessary skills to create jobs for themselves and others and contribute to their country. However if education levels are poor, as seen in Bangladesh with only 78% of students finishing primary school and a far less 40% completing secondary school. They do not end up with the necessary skills needed to find jobs for themselves and can not support themselves or their country in the future.