
Why Asthma Is Important To Me

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My parents have always been very supportive of me. I think their mantra is "We only have one kid, let's not have regrets." Because of this I was one of those kids that played almost every sport. Most of them didn't work out considering I have asthma, but that didn't stop me from trying! In middle school after trying soccer for a few years we decided it wouldn’t be good for me. On a whim my parents decided to put me on a recreation league volleyball team, and I thank them every day for it. I played for one season and fell in love instantly.

After playing for six years volleyball has shown me who I am as a person. I've learned to persevere through the hard times… and by hard times I mostly mean rude coaches. My high school coach has enabled me to open my eyes and find what I really believe. As a junior year in high school our varsity team had already been to state 2 years in a row, and lost in the finals both times. I was only on the court my sophomore year, but I remember the heartache. It sort of felt like the world was ending, because for us it practically was. Stepping onto the court for tryouts last year was different, everything had changed. Our four D1 players were seniors and we knew this was the year. We either won it now or not at all.
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I've never been happier than I was in that moment. All of our dedication and effort had finally paid off. Even now looking back I tear up because of how much work we put into it. I don't know how I ever thought I would be able to quit, and am quite mad I ever had the idea. Quitting goes against everything I believe in, yet I almost let someone push me in that direction. On the bright side I now know that I can push through any obstacle. I have a strong moral foundation and I won't let anything, or anyone, stand in my way of greatness. Volleyball has changed my life and I love it for that

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