However, being great at something is almost never reachable alone. Basketball is a team sport. Coach not only pushes me but also pushes the team as a whole. As we go through the pain, that practice brings, together we become more of a family than a team. Some people think becoming more like a family can be a bad thing because it will cause arguments throughout the team, but brothers and sisters argue all the time right? An argument does not equate to weakness it equates to passion. When this basketball team runs, scrimmages, plays and argues together we become even closer than we were the day before. These arguments do not mean that there is separation within our team but simply means we are even closer than any coach could hope
However, being great at something is almost never reachable alone. Basketball is a team sport. Coach not only pushes me but also pushes the team as a whole. As we go through the pain, that practice brings, together we become more of a family than a team. Some people think becoming more like a family can be a bad thing because it will cause arguments throughout the team, but brothers and sisters argue all the time right? An argument does not equate to weakness it equates to passion. When this basketball team runs, scrimmages, plays and argues together we become even closer than we were the day before. These arguments do not mean that there is separation within our team but simply means we are even closer than any coach could hope