While working on this project I had a very difficult time coming up with a topic and writing the rough draft without using research. After changing my topic about three times, I decided to go with, should cheerleading be considered a sport. I’ve done cheerleading for five years now and every time I tell people that I cheer their response is cheerleading is not a sport. The point of this no research paper is to inform people the different reasons why cheerleading is a sport. While writing this paper I had some difficulties throughout the process of this paper.…
1. From libs to scorpions, these girls balance on one foot high above the ground then to end it they twist to the ground all without looking scared!…
Competitive cheerleading has never been called a sport according to the government. There has been an ongoing debate as to if cheerleading fits the definition of a sport which is “an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature” (Dictionary.com n.d.). By that definition you could interpret it to mean cheerleading is a sport, but there is much more to being a sport than meeting a definition. Competitive cheerleading does require specialized training, extensive practices, and a dedicated team; but to become a sport there are several problems that must be addressed. There is not a consistent set of competitions, no standard set of rules, and no regulations for judging. There has also been many court debates on this subject with cheerleading always on the losing end. In order for cheerleading to become a sport these problems must be addressed. Once this is addressed then cheerleading could become an official sport and the athletes would be eligible for athletic scholarships for full tuition amounts.…
In my opinion I think that Cheerleading should be a competitive sport because cheerleaders work as hard as all other sport players do. For example cheerleaders show muscle, athleticism and agility when practicing and cheering at games. Cheerleaders show muscle because they lift other people they throw and stack people on top of other people to make a pyramid. They show Agility because when doing cheers they have to make sharp and quick movements with their hands and their feet. I don’t think that it’s fair that cheerleading isn’t a competitive sport because it doesn’t involve a ball. That is why I think that cheerleading is just as much as a sport than any other…
Do you think cheerleading is too easy to not be a sport? Well in this essay I will be explaining how to be a cheerleader. I will focus on the skills and abilities needed to be a cheerleader. By the time you read my essay I hope to change your mind about cheerleading. Cheerleading is a big part of my life and always has been. I have been dedicated to cheerleading ever since I was seven years old.…
Most people say cheerleading is not a sport, but to me it is. It all began when I was four years old and my mom signed me up to cheer for the Harrisburg Packers. I was nervous at first, but then it turned out to be a lot of fun. Everyone on the team was tall except for me and one other girl. Her name was Tatum. The first thing I thought was that I was going to get picked on by all the other girls because I was so little and shy, but it turned out to be totally different.…
Have you ever tried out for cheerleading? If so, did you make the team? If you knew how, you could do cool stunts and tumbling. Cool stunts such as: show and go to a prep, extensions, and 180’s.…
I recall being the youngest girl, cheering with others several years older than me, when I began Area Youth Football cheerleading way back at the age of five. I had tried other sports such as soccer and basketball, however they didn't electrify me as cheerleading did. I instantly fell in love with the sport of cheerleading. To this day, I would not even consider changing my commitment to cheerleading, for it has positively influenced my life and taught me countless lessons that will stick with me forever.…
After countless games, practices, and competitions, nothing quite compares to standing on the eight panel mat in front of thousands of unfamiliar faces or a high school football game on Friday night. It is a unique atmosphere where there is an air of utter togetherness and positive energy that I have never experienced anywhere else during my four years of cheering. Although it is the most intense, stressful, and time-consuming activity I have participated in, cheerleading means the world to me. Needless to say, cheerleading has had a tremendous impact on my life and I have learned valuable life lessons from this amazing sport.…
Cheerleading is more than just wearing a short skirt, a stiff glittery bow and a shell crop top with your team’s name across the chest, but it's a sport that involves the performance of organized, chanting and dancing in support of a sports team at games. In cheerleading, the choreography plays an important role through a sequence of movements of physical bodies. The choreography also refers to the design itself. Indeed, when it comes to the choreography of cheering, I thrive more than any cheerleader I know. While other girls cheer for the cuteness, I cheer because cheerleading has become my passion for dance, for movement and for the choreography of cheering and its beauty. Rather than going through the motion like other cheerleaders, I feel as if I am the motion.…
The sport I love to do cheerleading. I cheered for 3 years in Elizabeth, New Jersey. I took a break and then when I moved to Burlington I cheered for the middle school. This is my second year cheering for the middle school. My best friend Tiyana suggested I should cheer in the 5th grade. I finally started cheerleading in the 7th grade.…
Even though it sounds pretty corny and cliche, the team next year is going to be nowhere near the same without you. You’re always so supportive of each and every single girl on the team and I know that everybody can trust you the most with any problem that they have, whether it be on the cheer time or their personal life. You’re always there for the team, helping out in any way possible, whether it be fixing a whole pyramid with counts five minutes before halftime or by being a representative for our team at every orientation or school event. You represent exactly what a cheerleader should be, always showing school spirit, always trying to encourage the team to be friends with one another, showing enthusiasm during sidelines and spiriting instead of just waiting for halftime, and always expressing a kind charisma no matter what is going on in your personal life.…
Most people think cheerleading is a bunch of girls and guys dancing and throwing girls in the air. Although that’s what it seems like, there are more than that, there are stunts, tumbling, chants, dances, and skills. A sport is an activity including physical, mental, and skill. Cheerleading needs physical, mental, skill, memory, and flexibility. Cheerleading is a sport because it takes time and dedication. Therefore cheerleading is considered a sport and will be in the 2020 Olympics. There are national cheerleading competitions all the time in different places all around the United States, and cheerleaders take their own time, money, dedication, and teamwork towards the sport. Some may say cheerleading isn’t a sport because it doesn’t…
Some of the requirements that one must meet are being physically fit, have tumbling skills and have an energetic personality. One needs to be physically fit because they’ll need strength, stamina, and flexibility to be able to do all of the stunts, workouts, and tumbling that is required of cheerleaders. Tumbling skills are an integral part of cheerleading, and adds an exciting element to both watching and executing cheerleading moves. Cheerleading is about being loud and energetic, but in order to be either of them one has to be confident to show others.…
Are cheerleaders just "flirts in skirts" or do they actually participate in a sport? When people hear the word cheerleading, majority of the time they automatically think of teenage girls dressed in pleated skirts with pompoms, jumping and cheering. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, cheerleading is the action or skills of a person or group of people who shout out special songs or chants to encourage a team and entertain a crowd during a sports game. This definition does not mention any terms that defy cheerleading as a sport. Cheerleading is a very debatable topic as to whether it is a sport or not. I believe that cheerleading is a sport because it is very competitive and involves lots of movement like other sports. Cheerleading is considered a sport because it is as competitive as any other sport. It is very competitive because when cheerleaders go into competitions, they have to go out and compete against many other teams and come out number one by the judges. It requires mass training and practice. Cheerleaders practice tons of hours whether for a competition, or sports event, to perform the perfect routine. For competitions, cheerleaders spend hours practicing for a match that is only two and half minutes long. At practice, they push themselves to their fullest to perfect stunts and accomplish new skills. Cheerleading includes lots of physical activity, which involves tumbles, flips, twists, tosses, lifts, and more. Cheerleaders today compete against other squads and work just as hard as other athletes. Another reason why cheerleading is considered a sport is because it involves lots of movement like other sports, such as basketball or football. Cheerleaders are constantly moving and jumping. Cheerleading involves so much movement, that it has the highest emergency room rates. According to the Washington Post and American Academy of Pediatrics, cheerleading is accounted for 65 percent of all direct catastrophic injuries…