As I look back on my cheerleading career, I do not focus on the many team competition
wins, the stunts we hit, or the dances embedded in my memory but instead on all the life lessons I gained. Because cheerleading is a very dangerous sport, the first of these lessons is trust. Without trust in a stunt group, everything could go wrong, resulting in serious injuries. As a captain, it is my goal to motivate every member of my squad to trust each other and work as a team; subsequently, my squad has exceptional teamwork and communication skills. Additionally, cheer has taught me patience; sometimes I have to practice a skill 100 times to perfect it. As a result, cheerleading requires time and effort. Demanding both physical and mental dedication, the sport has taught me to give 100 percent effort without excuses. For four years I have successfully juggled two hours of after-school practice, school games, competitions, a part-time job, and homework. This experience taught me how to manage my time and become more organized. Furthermore, cheer has raised my self-confidence and dissipated my shyness, teaching me to branch out and to be loud. In the future, I will not hesitate to speak up or boldly go for an amazing opportunity. Most importantly, cheer has taught me to be an outstanding leader. Offering advice, setting a positive mood with my attitude, being receptive to try new things, and exemplifying hard work and sportsmanship are essential skills that I will utilize in the future.
Cheerleading is not about putting on the cute uniform or the mere status of being a cheerleader. Being a cheerleader means never giving up and pushing the limits to overcome daunting challenges. Because of cheerleading I have learned to put on a smile even through tough situations, along with several other meaningful lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today. Whether on the sidelines or in the crowd, I will forever be a cheerleader.