Special capabilities or racial differences are valuable in many situations where the mainstream is not dominant. Actually, the life of the public is more about differences of their identity because they live in their own culture and have different local customs. Diplomats who master several language and are familiar with multicultural knowledge can make good decisions and policy while only local aborigines can cook veritable cuisines and create traditional handcrafts. Nowadays, different culture and relative knowledge are being valued and protected. Yoshino mentions that “to measure how far we are from that society, [he] began to look at racial minorities who breached the social contract of assimilation- individuals who flaunted their racial identities rather than covering them” …show more content…
Indeed, individuals are unique and their behavioral differences cannot be changed completely. In addition, it is differences between individuals that determines the value and character of an individual. The inner differences make individuals feel exist and contribute to their self-esteem mostly. Covering sometimes is hiding information or appearance that contains or suggests differences. However, individuals have “the desire for authenticity, our common human wish to express ourselves without being impeded by unreasoning demands for conformity” (295). Individuals unconsciously want to express themselves and are reluctant to conform to others in a way that they are forced to do. In Chua’s viewpoint, “Chinese parents believe that they know what is best for their children and, therefore, override all of their children's own desires and preferences”