In the current high-stakes economic climate, consumer goods and services companies face unprecedented challenges and extreme financial pressure. Increasing competition from companies around the world creates a need for tighter linkage among strategy, performance metrics, and shareholder value creation. Intensified scrutiny from financial markets means you need to more effectively allocate capital toward opportunities that create value. Only with accurate and actionable information can you improve decision making on both short-term operational issues and long-term strategic choices. To gain control of your operations in these uncertain times, you need an effective enterprise planning approach that helps you understand the drivers of value creation within your company.
Thus, you need fully integrated tools and processes that employees across the enterprise can use to create a consistent, coherent view of performance and help mitigate risk, all while optimizing spend and profitability management. What’s more, to keep pace with dynamic business conditions, you need a solution that helps you plan adaptively and adapt your plans flexibly.
Consumer products companies are facing fierce competition in emerging markets, increased costs for raw materials, and a continuously changing business landscape. As a result, the ability to make operational decisions for product introductions, supply chain changes and to manage profitability is more critical than ever to achieving success. To maximize the efficiency of their