
Why Did Kennedy Avoid The Cuban Missile Crisis?

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Why Did Kennedy Avoid The Cuban Missile Crisis?
In October 1962 most of the world watched in horror as the threat of a nuclear war loomed over a confrontation between the United states and soviet Russia. The incident, known as the Cuban missile crisis was one that saw Russia place nuclear missiles in Cuba, a direct act of aggression towards the united states. On the 14th of October 1962, a US spy plane witnessed the ballistic missiles being assembled for installation. Kennedy was then briefed on the 16th of October and what followed was unequivocally one of the greatest diplomatic crises faced by the head of state.

This essay seeks to establish whether or not Kennedy’s decision making during his early presidency was one of notable leadership and paramount in avoiding a nuclear war, or
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In deliberation Kennedy formulated several plans such as bombing the assembly sites as well as a full scale invasion of Cuba. Ultimately, US officials decided to erect a naval blockade of Cuba as to stop any further soviet supplies, and deliver an ultimatum to Russia that the existing missiles be removed. While the blockade averted direct war, it did nothing to address the missiles already within Cuba. To further escalate tensions between the superpowers, an American reconnaissance plane was shot down over Cuba on October 27 and thus a US invasion force was assembled in Florida. Robert McNamara, US secretary of defence was quoted saying “I thought it was the last Saturday id ever see”. Despite the tensions the superpowers found a way to avoid the confrontation and in a series of letters and communications sent from Russia to the US, reached an agreement. Key points were that Russia would remove its missiles in Cuba if the US promised not to invade Cuba, and furthermore, to remove its missiles in Turkey. Frightened by the concept of Nuclear war the Kennedy administration agreed to the terms and thus the Cuban missile crisis reached its

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