The plague, or the disease, “ran a course of four months” and with the symptoms consisting of feeling feverish and bubonic swelling or swelling of one lower abdomen. Other symptoms varied from person to person “with some [having] a deep coma, [and] with others a violent delirium”. The disease, in its prime, was capable of causing up to about five thousand death in one day, taking a huge chunk of the Roman population. It is obvious that a decline in population of this magnitude would evidently lead to the down fall of a nation or
The plague, or the disease, “ran a course of four months” and with the symptoms consisting of feeling feverish and bubonic swelling or swelling of one lower abdomen. Other symptoms varied from person to person “with some [having] a deep coma, [and] with others a violent delirium”. The disease, in its prime, was capable of causing up to about five thousand death in one day, taking a huge chunk of the Roman population. It is obvious that a decline in population of this magnitude would evidently lead to the down fall of a nation or