
Why Did The Revolutionary War Start

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Why Did The Revolutionary War Start
This book is about the Revolutionary War and what led up to it. The main reason the war started was because of many of the acts that Great Britain had passed on to the colonies. The main acts that angered the colonists were the Stamp Act, The Sugar Act, The Townshend revenue Act, The Currency Act, The Tea Act, and the Intolerable Acts. All of these were either taxing the colonists and making the give more money to Britain for its debt or involved Britain taking away our basic rights and not treating the colonist as subjects to Britain.

One of the major event that started the tide of the coming war was the Boston Massacre. In this 5 total people died including a black sailor named Crispus Attucks. Paul Revere used this event to spark anger all across the colonies he even made a picture of the even and called it the Bloody Massacre. This anger and resentment of the British led to the next event that would later lead on to the war. The Boston tea party was another humongous reason why America went to war with Britain. On December 16, 1773 the colonists and the Sons of Liberty stormed 3 British ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor disguised as native americans because of the tea tax that Britain had started. In current American dollars the amount of tea dumped acceded $750,000. This was an
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This took place on the morning of June 17, 1775 where the American soldiers entrenched themselves in Breed’s hill on accident when they were supposed to go to Bunker Hill. The British charged up to the American outpost and got shot by guns and cannons. The British tried again and got shot down once more. On the third attempt the Americans were low on ammo and this resulted in hand to hand fighting which resulted in the British taking the hill but with a decisive loss of men. Out of the 2,300 British 1,054 were either killed or wounded in the battle but America had

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