Although WW2 affected millions of people it also made the U.S. instructable leaving them stronger than ever.
An effect of the great depression was that it left many people jobless, homeless, in debt due to the stock market. One of the advantages of the World War 2 was that it ended the horrible event of the great Depression in 1939 right before the war started in September. “That upon the outbreak or during the progress of war …show more content…
between, or among, two or more foreign states…”(source # 2). The neutrality act of 1935 states the outbreak of the great depression and the beginning of WW2. The ending of the Great depression was a good thing because it gave both men and women jobs. With also the help of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he helped many people with new programs, starvation and building his famous “New Deal.”
The U.S was officially at war when the japanese decided to attack Pearl Harbor in 1941.
It was a surprise military strike against the United States naval base in Hawaii. “…among us who say that we must persevere peace at any price…” (source #12) The U.S had no intention in getting into any huge conflicts at the moment, they just wanted to recuperate from The Great Depression. After the surprise attack Congress quickly declared war on Japan. Then three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States, having Japan on their side.
The U.S had declared war on Germany and Italy in 1941. At the time Both Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were working together as military allies. The Germans took control of the Italian army when the Allies entered through Europe for the first time. In 1943 Italy decided to surrender, leaving the allies to proceed on to the Normandy Beach in northern France to start push towards Germany. “ A Real Test for you Mr.President political cartoon (source #4) The European powers testing the president FDR if he is willing to make a move against europe. In 1945 when the allies surrounded the east and west front Hitler committed
In Conclusion i believe that World War 2 was a success, because it ended The Great Depression. The Great Depression was one of the worst economic crisis in U.S. history. President FDR helped many people who needed extreme needs. During the war more than 12 million Americans were sent into military. Women were finally able to work in factories helping make war weapons and serving as nurses in battle fields for those in need. After going into war with Germany and italy having them surrender in 1945 ending world war 2