There are many theories on how dinosaurs became extinct but scientists have not yet found a proven reason why. About sixty-five million years ago Dinosauriformes, or as we call them Dinosaurs, walked and roamed planet Earth. These massive carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores lived many years on earth before humans appeared. There were several variations of dinosaurs such as land, sea, and air dinosaurs. For a millions of years the dinosaurs thrived in their environment. They had an abundant food supply to eat and they had ample space to roam and reproduce offspring. Unfortunately the dinosaurs did not last forever since they all mysteriously became extinct. Three of the main theories on how dinosaurs became extinct are climate changes, an asteroid impact, and massive volcanos erupting.…
In an everyday game of contact sports a variety of things can happen to an athlete, however, it’s how you deal with those “things” that counts. A concussion on an athlete can be fatal if not treated properly and diligently. An approximate 60 tackles are made in a single football game, but it only takes one to possibly change an athlete’s life forever.…
I. Introduction A. Attention Grabber: Imagine your kid sitting in a doctors room crying cause he hit his head so hard he got a concussion. B. Background Information 1. History of the Issue: since so many younger kids start to play sports there are a lot of concussions happening to young children today. When you get a lot of concussions as a child you can grow up with permanent disabilities. Players in the NFL committed suicide because of concussions.…
Hello Sara! I am really glad that you brought up concussion in the case of the developing brain of a child. Concussion at childhood takes much longer time to recover than in adult and requires more close attention.However, adults tends to have more complex issues such as difficulty with memory like in the case of Troy Aiken asking the same sequence of questions. This video is a message to the viewers of how dangerous football…
The game of football, especially at the higher levels, is becoming increasingly dangerous as athletes keep getting bigger, faster, and stronger. The rate at which concussions are occurring is alarming and player safety has become the topic of conversation in the sports community. Since the symptoms and signs of a concussion don't always appear immediately or appear to be mild at first, the sports community originally assumed that the head injuries weren't serious. Besides the risk of suffering another concussion, a growing body of research has linked sports concussions with serious long-term effects like depression and memory problems. To make matters worse, researchers documented that high school and collegiate athletes do not report concussions sustained during football play because they were not aware of the signs and symptoms of a concussion. Furthermore, although the National Football League injury report has shown a decrease of head injuries since 2012, PBS Frontline's Concussion Watch project reported that one-third of all concussions sustained during that time were left off the injury report. As research continues to expose the serious nature of sports concussion, league officials are facing constant scrutiny to change the rules and regulations that govern the game of football. (Michael,…
As stated in a medical journal developed by a Rhode Island medical journal, these head injuries are now being looked at closer. The statistics from the article say that they’re over 100,000 reported concussion cases in student athletes ranging from high school to college football, along with a lengthy paragraph stating what the outcomes happen due to the effects of a concussion. Stating that frontal lobe development might slow down or stop entirely making simple problem solving skills and emotional control a lot harder on for the individual in life, due to this…
From my standpoint, concussions are a huge part of football and they do cause major damage to your brain in the grand scheme of life. The bigger the conflict with football players isn’t getting injured or having major injuries impact on us for life after football such as concussions. Football players die twice in life, when they’re career is done, and when they’re done. People like myself who have been playing since they were 8 or 9 years-old form themselves to become a better football player, and it just so happens that in that process, we became a better man outside of football. We feel like when we decide to stop playing, or when we have to stop playing, we’re missing a piece of us. As stated earlier in my essay, parents are now keeping their sons away from football or keeping them from playing until high school. Of course, no one can really argue that this isn’t a bad idea. I, however, disagree because football formed me to who I am today. If I am ever blessed with a son in the future, I will hope he takes an interest in football so he can have the same experience as I did; it helped me create lifelong friends and invaluable learning opportunities. It made me not normal, I am a beast. It made me not give up when times are too hard for normal human beings. It made me have a new perspective on life. It made life easier. No matter how many injuries have occurred to me, and no matter how much pain I am in from football, I am forever grateful for everything football has brought to…
A concussion is a injury to the brain that causes temporary improper function of the brain. Concussions have been on the rise in the past few years due to the fact of high impact sports. Most of these high impactful sports are America’s past time for little kids because they go outside and play sports such as, football, baseball, basketball and soccer unsupervised with no warning of safety hazards.” More than 62,000 concussions are sustained each year in high school contact sports, and among college football players, 34 percent have had one concussion, and 20 percent have endured multiple concussions.”(The American). Parents…
According to a Safe Kids Worldwide study based on hospital emergency room reports from 2012; there are an estimated 1.35 million students in the United States that seriously injure themselves each year. For two out of my three years of high school, I have been piece of this grim statistic. My sophomore year I fractured the left side of my fifth lumbar vertebra located in my lower back. This was caused by running too hard. Then the next year, the right side of the fifth lumbar vertebra was fractured too. Both of these injuries brought an abrupt halt to my cross country season. Fracturing my lower back was an extremely difficult experience that has taught me how to deal with adversity.…
Two years ago, a soccer ball was blasted into the side of my head and knocked me to the ground. It left me with a concussion that not only took me out of soccer for six months, but also affected my day to day life. For months, it made me nauseous to even jog around the block or walk down a crowded hallway. I was in physical therapy, vision therapy and on a special learning plan at school. Even though the blow to my head could have altered my life completely, I pleaded with my parents to let me continue my soccer career. It took two more minor concussions to make me realize it was not safe for me to play anymore. Looking back on my time playing soccer, I question why I kept playing. Why did I put the sport and my team ahead of my own health?…
In recent years, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury simply known as form of a concussion has been on a rise in high school and collegiate athletes. Approximately, 300 000 Americans report a sports related concussion every year.1 Despite the large numbers of student athletes getting concussed, the recovery period is the most crucial phase of getting back to our “normal”. It is unfortunate to see many student athletes lying about their subjective symptoms (headaches, depression, fatigue, anxiety, drowsiness) in order to return-to-play more promptly. (S.Sigurdardottir et al.). It has been shown that in Oslo, Norway people who had mild traumatic brain injury was likely to encounter the subjective symptoms after 3 months of recovery by 24-40% and after a year 10-20% may have had the same symptoms. According to International…
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a disorder that progressively deteriorates brain function and causes immense pain (Murphy, 2016). I know first-hand the exhilarating pain of sustaining a concussion. I played football for seven years and only suffered one concussion, which came in the last game of my high school career. It was also the championship game, so the stakes were sky high. I sustained a concussion through constant blows to the head trying to shed blocks and make a vicious tackle.…
Impact of Concussions on Adolescents The sport of soccer has recently received a lot of press and not for a good reason. What we thought was just a simple bump on the head, now more likely develops into chronic issues such as dizziness, memory loss, headache and possibly brain bleeding. Concussions now more than ever are affecting children at younger ages because of negligence and not teaching children the proper ways to handle balls. I personally experienced concussions and there are ways they could have been prevented.…
It was a Friday night in mid August 1991. I was a noseguard and middle linebacker on defense, depending on the play. I also played right guard on the offensive line. This is the story of a night that could of well ended any hope of being an athlete, on any level, from this point on. I will be telling the story from the defensive side of the ball, due to that is where I was playing when I had five vertebrae, slightly, separated.…
My previous concussions also served as a huge risk because I needed to be in school to be able to help direct the practices. Quickly, I learned that to make the students and the performance as successful as I could, I would have to push through the concussions with the best of my ability. There were many variables that went into the play to make it…