I think I should be chosen to receive the TSMSDC scholarship it will not only just help offset my tuition and but also help me reach my goal. This scholarship will allow me an opportunity to attend a 4-year college of my choice, University of Tennessee Chattanooga. With the TSMSDC scholarship, I can reach my goal in becoming a chemical engineer. I enjoy math and science and this will be a lifetime privilege for me. The TSMSDC scholarship will be a great incentive to help me succeed. I will take advantage of this opportunity and I will reach my goal. Thank you in advance and I hope I am considered as a recipient of the TSMSDC scholarship.…
Why I deserve to be considered for the South Central Border All-Academics Scholarship is an easy answer, because I plan on continuing to play sports in college including dance and maybe throwing the javelin. Most students would give a heart wrenching explanation, but I go on facts. Fact one; I will be continuing to participate in dance at college. Fact two; academics do not come easy to me and so I have to work extremely hard at it. Fact three; I will work extremely hard to make the school record in javelin by throwing 109 feet. Fact four; I will be a part of dance team in college to help pay for books and tuition in college because I can not afford college otherwise. I go on facts and do not believe in lying so I will tell you that dance and…
Many students apply for scholarships on a daily basis. I am applying for the Ford Built Tough scholarship because I want to go to Emporia State and work towards getting my Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture Education.…
I deserve Phi Theta Kappa membership scholarship because I have what it takes to become a member. Also, knowing the importance of joining this noble organization will positively impact my life as a student. Becoming a member will give me more enthusiasm for participation in the community service and giving back to the community. As a volunteer in the school activities and at Parkland hospital, It will give me the sense of responsibility and fulfillment in supporting the community through selfless service. In addition, getting a membership scholarship will make me to work harder academically by increasing my study hours. This would make me to maintain a GPA of not less than 3.5 to enable me keep my…
It is very easy for someone to write an essay, on why their qualifications satisfy the requirements to become a part of the Velma Fudge Grant Honors Program. Anyone can also say why he or she should be a scholarship recipient, but do they have characteristics that distinguish them from every other recipient. I feel like I am qualified for the Honors Program and a very good fit to become a scholarship recipient.…
Winning this scholarship will help me attain the goals that I have set for myself after high school. The scholarship would allow me to become one step closer to go to a great medical school and help me achieve my ultimate goal of becoming a neurosurgeon. This scholarship will also help make the colleges that I am considering more affordable, which will increase my chances of meeting my goals. Winning this scholarship can greater my chances of becoming the first person in my intermediate family to go to college right after finishing high school. I am a great pick for this scholarship because I had to move in with my father in the sixth grade after my mother was taken to Central State Hospital. Instead of using this information as an excuse, I use this for motivation and to make my mother proud of what I have become and what I will achieve during the later years of my life. This is why I am a excellent choice for this scholarship. Winning this scholarship will help me attain the goals that I have set for myself after high school. The scholarship would allow me to become one step closer to go to a great medical school and help me achieve my ultimate goal of becoming a neurosurgeon. This scholarship will also help make the colleges that I am considering more affordable, which will increase my chances of meeting my goals. Winning this scholarship can greater my chances of becoming the first person in my intermediate family to go to college right after finishing high school. I am a great pick for this scholarship because I had to move in with my father in the sixth grade after my mother was taken to Central State Hospital. Instead of using this information as an excuse, I use this for motivation and to make my mother proud of what I have become and what I will achieve during the later years of my life. This is why I am a excellent choice for this scholarship. Winning this scholarship will help me attain the goals that I have set for myself after high school. The…
Scholarship has been impressed upon me since a very young age. My family and teachers has stressed the importance of learning and making the most of my education. Throughout my years in school, I have strived to achieve high marks in all of my classes and though at times it has been difficult, in the end hard work has always payed off. I will continue to work just as hard, if not more, as I go onto college. Even after college, I will continue my search for knowledge, because there is always more to learn.…
I demonstrate scholarship by striving myself to work harder and to excel in school with big goals and achievements in order to be successful. I always push myself to go for bigger and better things; no matter what obstacles I might face, even if that means trying new things that I’m afraid of. I am a very responsible person when it comes to my work ethic, and always getting things done either on time or in advance and I am determined to achieve the goals that I have set for myself.…
I value scholarship very much. I take honors classes to challenge myself and I always keep up my grades. I personally do not have a huge vocabulary so I give myself challenges everyday to improve and expand my vocabulary bank. I make sure I spend the extra time studying an assignment I don't completely understand because I want to be able to comprehend everything I do. And no matter how hard a subject gets, I never and will never give up. For…
I don’t know if I feel that saying that I deserve this scholarship is the right thing to say, but going to Japan has been a goal of mine ever since I can remember. My grandfather was the one who really got me interested in Japan. He would always tell me stories about the culture, people, the little bits of language that he picked up, and the time that he spent there. My grandfather would have loved me going to Japan and would have supported me whole heartedly. I want to go to Japan not only to see what he saw, but also to improve the little that I know and improve myself.…
Like everyone else I have been put the test and have gone through trials and tribulations to get to where I am today. However, many people have not experienced the same hardships as myself. I am a first generation college student and I reside in a household that's income is rather low. Being a first generation college student has been a challenge that I am immensely proud of achieving. Being a pioneer for my family's future of acedemic success is an exhilarating feeling. I am proud that I was able to be accepted to college in order to improve myself in and out of the classroom. If I am fortuitous enough to receive this scholarship I will make it my mission to use it in the best way…
I believe I should be awarded this scholarship because I work hard in everything that is thrown my way. I try to be the best I can be so I can make my way to college possible. To keep myself going in the right direction, I set goals for myself. I have the drive to try my best for any goal I set. I should be awarded this scholarship not only for money, but for a motivation to never give up.…
I rank scholarship first because I am a very good student. I always do my homework, and score well on all of my tests. I receive A’s on my report cards because of all of the hard work that I put towards my education. I am very proud of my school work because I know that some people simply do not care and do not try, but this is the exact opposite of me. I also like that I can see a direct correlation between how hard I work and my grades.…
The impact of being awarded this scholarship would forever change my life. It would be a significant boost of confidence from others and for myself. I would also be afforded the opportunity and privilege to finally begin my chosen career. There are no limits to the possibilities of this scholarship and the ways it will affect my…
Hello friends. I deserve this scholarship because I own the paramount educational values that will guide me throughout my educational journey. I have a clear idea in mind of what I aspire to do with my life, and that makes everything much easier for me. Confidence is the best word to describe myself during this time of life. I go to a great school that I love, have amazing friends, and have been raised with parents who I want to make very proud. My academic goals include maintaining a 3.0 GPA for the rest of the three years I'm in school and earning an Exercise Science degree. From there, I plan to eagerly apply for jobs as I am tremendously excited about this degree and what it pertains. I am pursuing my passion, and that is what it is all about.…