
Why Do Men Scared To Leave

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Why Do Men Scared To Leave
Men: Scared to leave?

Stereotypes have occupied our society that we live in today. Domestic Violence is showing up more often in today's world. Men should not be viewed as the aggressors just because the stereotype supports men believing that it’s okay to take their anger out on women; however, the stereotype may not be the issue all the time - some men are out powered by some women. Child Abuse goes hand in hand with this issue as well. Disciplining your child to help them become more focused doesn’t always have to be considered child abuse. It may help them become a better person in general and at school. To some people it may seem that this has nothing to do with child abuse because spanking your child doesn’t cause harm to them. Others disagree with this issue and have more to say about it. Some even have argued that it just shows the child how to grow up fast and discipline
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Child Abuse isn’t just getting your child to behave, It actually does cause your child mental and physical harm. It could really cause serious mental disorders that could follow them into adulthood like depression and anxiety and even PTSD(Post-traumatic stress disorder). It can even cause things like learning disabilities if you assault and an infant or even a very small child.When the child is being abused in the household it may make them feel guilty, ashamed, and confused about the whole situation.The child may become more afraid to tell anyone about the abuse , especially if the abuser is a parent. Child Abuse is a very serious matter that isn’t always looked at as such a priority in cases because if the mother is the one doing the abuse and has to go to court for it, and the child is still in the care of the person who is abusing that child.There really should be more time taken in cases like this because you never know what kind of issues the child may have or who is dishing out the

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