March 6, 2014
College Preparatory English 11
Shirer-1 Thesis Statement: Contrary to popular opinion, professional athletes deserve their salaries because of their talent, the huge revenue they draw, the demands of their job, and society’s emphasis on sports and entertainment.
In order to be a professional athlete you have to be “the best of the best” (figuratively). To become “the best of the best” requires hours and hours of practice. These athletes are born with amazing athletic abilities and then must develop and fine tune those abilities to become professional; those that make it into a professional sport have been playing since they were children. Their childhood lives were dominated by the sport that they play. These athletes have devoted hours and hours of practice and training to become the best. Very few people possess the talent that it takes to become a professional athlete.
The incredible odds against making it into a professional sport, such as the National Basketball Association (NBA), also give insight into the increasing rarity …show more content…
(AP) It takes a certain body to play a professional sport. For example, the average NBA player is six foot seven inches tall and weighs two hundred and twenty pounds. It is very uncommon to find someone with a large enough body to be a professional athlete; furthermore, those who have the right body build then have to have extreme athletic talent. The mix of these two qualities is very rare and hard to come by, thus the high salary. Part of the reason that professional athletes are paid so much is because they are extremely rare. Not many people have the body build or athletic ability to compete as a professional athlete, let alone