Andrew Wakefield published the article that said vaccines cause autism in the medical journal the lancet in 1998, and refused to correct it until 11 years later, despite 14 worldwide studies. Obviously, Andrew Wakefield is just one example of people’s egos getting in the way of recognizing their faults, even when data proves otherwise.
The need for self-esteem causes writers and readers to not believe concrete facts for self-gain- such as the parents and Mr. Wakefield, who believe such madness.
As humans, our ego contributes to reluctance to see mistakes. It’s called confirmation bias. If our beliefs contradict facts, we regard those facts as not true. Some people can move past that and see facts as what they are, but others like Andrew Wakefield can’t see past that. …show more content…
Punditfact, a branch of Politifact, did a study, and found Fox News to have only told the truth 18 percent of the time for the statements they checked. And even of that 18 percent, only 8 percent of what they said was completely “True.” The other 10 percent was rated as “Mostly True.” A staggering 60 percent comments were found to be either “Mostly False,” “False,” or “Pants on Fire.” The other 22 percent were rated “Half True.” Obviously, the reason conservatives love fox news is because fox confirm what they think is true. If they listened to a reliable news source, they’d say it’s all lies – because it contradicts their way of