The best advise I would give for someone that comes from a bad background would be to get counseling or talk to someone before you take your problems out in a way that is illegal or irrational. Why do it? Vandalism! It is stupid! Don’t be that person that gets caught up doing illegal activities and ruining your life when you could be making choices for the better. Don’t make bad choices when it comes to choosing your friends, and don’t let someone talk you into something you don’t want to do. Don’t be stupid and reckless! Why be the bad kid on the block when you don’t
The best advise I would give for someone that comes from a bad background would be to get counseling or talk to someone before you take your problems out in a way that is illegal or irrational. Why do it? Vandalism! It is stupid! Don’t be that person that gets caught up doing illegal activities and ruining your life when you could be making choices for the better. Don’t make bad choices when it comes to choosing your friends, and don’t let someone talk you into something you don’t want to do. Don’t be stupid and reckless! Why be the bad kid on the block when you don’t