The United States has more firearms per capita than any other nation. If a wholsale ban was established and 90% of citizens complied, there would still be more guns in circulation than those held by many other nations’ standing armies. In fact, the only people who would still have guns after a ban would be criminals. These are exactly the people that
we would like to prevent from having easy access to guns
Most citizens actually use firearms for sporting, hunting, and working. A ban would leave farmers and ranchers without a means to protect animals from predators or euthanize the sick or injured. A ban would also be overly restrictive to the millions of Americans that enjoy recreational shooting sports.
My belief is that that gun ownership is a priveledge, not necessarily a right, that most Americans should be able to enjoy. However, I belive the national pro-gun groups like the National Rifle Association are doing more harm than good by opposing all gun legislation on Second Ammendment grounds. The NRA was even instrumental in bringing legislation forward, like the law in Florida that has made it a crime for pediatricians to ask parents wether or not they own firearms. These actions do little to foster a common-sense discussion of the issue.
It is my hope that people on both sides of this issue will be able to start a dialog that will make America safer, but also preserve the legal use of firearms by those who wish to use them.