In the Career I’ve chosen I will be doing mechanical work on diesel trucks and heavy equipment. I will also be doing welding if anything needs fixed by welding or if something needs made with metal that needs welded. The welding I will be doing would be repair welding and fabrication. As a diesel mechanic I will be doing mostly maintenance. For example oil changes, Brake adjustment, Greasing, Clutch repair, and rebuild a motor if it needs it. I will be working in an area that is loud, but very well ventilated. As a diesel mechanic I will use welding to fix heavy equipment and such.
For becoming a diesel mechanic there is no certification required. How ever if you go to a tech school and get certified as a mechanic it helps you get a job a lot easier. Having a certification also helps with larger salaries. For my other career as a welder some jobs require a certification and other jobs don’t. If you do have a certification you can have a …show more content…
lot more job opportunities and a lot better salary. There are a lot of company’s that will hire people without a certification and send them through schooling and pay f or everything.
What I like about both of these careers are they go together.
For example if you have a piece of heavy machinery that is broke down and needs something welded and you know how to weld, then you don’t have to call someone in and pay them to do it. Another thing I love about these careers is I love working on diesels and I love to weld. The salary for a diesel mechanic/ welder is $43,000 a year starting out. Most Diesel mechanics/ welders are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you go work in the oil/ gas field then you will be working 60+ hours a week. The benefits are Insurance, Paid time off, and business
I plan on going to wyotech to get certified in Diesel mechanics and welding. After attending wyotech I would like to have a job local to my home town and start a family. How ever the first year or two out of school I may try to go work in the oil field just to get started. After those couple years I want to go home and spend the rest of my life with my family and do what I love. If I don’t decide to go to the oil field I’m going to work locally and spend my spare time with family.