assistance throughout exams and/or surgeries. This evens out the time for all patients to get assisted and looked at at a reasonable amout of timing. Many other tasks are required as far as registered nursing is the topic, but they all fall under the same catergory. Along with these tasks come great responsibilities.
The responsibility to fill out the paperwork as accuratly as possible is an obviouse, but there is also the responsibility of turning everything in at the right time and at the right place is at hand. Being an RN is also about authority and balance, seeming as how RNs are also required to supervise the nursing assistance. Of course being in charge of the assistance means authority is at play, but it is also important for them to be able to trust and come to the RN if anything is the matter. A registered nurses responsibility is to get things done the right way and on
time. As many already know, registered nursing is a career that requires a lot of social interaction with patients, doctors, and surgeons. The people RNs works with need to feel as comfortable as possible when talking to and working with an RN. Although communication is important, it is also important to have the personal quality of compassion, or empathy as many others call it. Compassion is a much needed quality beacause a patient may be in more pain, or distress, than revealed. RNs need to be able to work with patients carefully and aware that the patient cannot be handeled roughly or tough. RNs need to try and understand the situation of others. Another required quality for the registered nursing career, and any other career really, is flexability. By flexibility the reference is not to those who and do a split and touch their toes; flexability is referring to the ability to switch schedules when and as needed without any complain or grudge. Being flexable is a must. (kokemuller, page 1) Special skills and qualities are not needed just for the heck of it; special skills and qualities are needed in order to adapt to the work environment that RNs are involved in. RNs are on their feet a lot, moving around, and sometimes helping patients move around as well. Because of the mobility required, registered nurses’ backs and feet are in risk of injuries. Although this may seem alarming, it is not. For the most part RNs work in state hospitals, local hospitals, and private, hospitals. RNs that work in hospitals are less likely to work regular office hours. RNs working in nursing or residential care facilities, physician offices, home health care services, and the government are more likely to recieve regular office hours. RNs with office hours work eight to twelve hours a day, meaning there is plenty of time for rest, fun, and love. Many prefer working office hours for this reason, where as irregular hours are uncertain and sometimes unmanagable for RNs with a family of their own.