Hamilton’s past and family has shaped his personality. As a kid he was an orphan because both of his parents passed away unfortunately. This is part of the reason why he is such a strong and independent hard worker. While he was overseas helping Washington, he also had family back home. His wife, Elizabeth Shulyer, along with his son Philip, who was killed in a duel against George Eaker to save his father, which is also to be believed why he was reluctant to shooting at Aaron …show more content…
His summer consisted of continuing his campaign, “fought with Washington on Long Island, helped fortify Harlem heights, commanded two guns at White Plains, and was in the New Jersey retreat, while in the winter he shared in the descents upon Trenton and Princeton” (“Alexander Hamilton”). Although Hamilton wanted to be on the battlefield, on March 1st, 1771 Washington made him secretary, aide-de-camp with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He was very good with his …show more content…
The Report made the case for manufacturing on both economic and moral grounds. It argued that an American economy solely dependent on agricultural exports would be both more unstable and less dynamic than an economy in which a manufacturing sector provided a domestic market for agricultural surpluses” (McNamara). Therefore, Hamilton helped form the way our government financial system works but also set some guidelines for manufacture companies so that we can save the environment and other factors like