Who is George Washington? George Washington was a great man who played a huge role in developing the United States. Washington is remembered as one of the most influential people in American history. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 at Pope’s Creek Virginia. From an early age Washington’s father was justice of the county court. In 1738 Georges father Augustine moved George and his family to Little Hunting Creek, which is now known as Mount Vernon. When George was 11 years old his father passed away. With his father not there anymore George had to learn how to help around the plantation. George inherited ten slaves from his father. Many believe that Washington’s views on slavery were contradictory, although his views on slavery could have changed throughout his lifetime. Washington stated in his will that his slaves should be freed upon his death. Washington’s childhood was one of the most …show more content…
In 1787 he attended the Constitutional Convention which was held in Philadelphia to head the forming of the constitution. With his great leadership skills and determination the delegates felt it was only right to appoint Washington as the nation’s first president. On January 7, 1789 the first election was held and Washington received the most votes and became president. John Adams had the second largest amount of votes and became the first vice president. While serving two terms as president Washington created a national bank, along with a list of other things. Washington issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, which declared that “all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.” Although this was issued it did not free all slaves. On December 14 1779 Washington died at the age of 67 of a throat infection. He is entombed at Mount Vernon which became a national historic landmark in