
Why Is Friar Lawrence To Blame For Romeo And Juliet

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Why Is Friar Lawrence To Blame For Romeo And Juliet
For all of the trouble that has happened in the events of Romeo and Juliet, I strongly believe that Friar Lawrence is to be blamed for all of it. Friar Lawrence is to be blamed because he, technically, started it. He was the one who married Romeo and Juliet in secret, and he never hesitated to tell them the consequences of what could happen. Who knows? Maybe he isn’t the only person to blame.

Friar Lawrence is to be blamed is because he started the downfall of Romeo and Juliet’s lives by marrying them. First of all, knowing that the Capulets and Montagues are vicious towards each other, he never spoke to Romeo and Juliet about the consequences of them marrying each other. He never even thought that Romeo and Juliet’s marriage was the right thing! In Act II - Scene III, Friar Lawrence says to Romeo; “In one respect I’ll thy assistant be, for this alliance may so happy prove to turn your household’s anchor into pure love”. He said this to Romeo probably because he wanted to end the fued between the Montagues and the Capulets instead of bringing together Romeo and Juliet. Besides that, he never even told Romeo about Juliet’s plan the minute it was planned. He could’ve just walked to Mantua from Verona instead of writing and sending a letter to him. Even though a letter would talk a shorter amount
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It was the faults of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. They were the cause of their own deaths because they never really took the time to sort out their relationship. At the end of Act I, Romeo and Juliet instantaneously fell in love because of a simple kiss at the Capulet’s feast. They are also the cause of their own deaths because they both decided to do things that would eventually affect their relationship. Romeo avenges Mercutio’s death by killing Tybalt and Juliet decided to fake her death to resist marrying Paris. Both of these things and many more resulted in their fatal

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