
Why Is Great Britain Justified In Civil Disobedience?

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Why Is Great Britain Justified In Civil Disobedience?
Through this speech, Chamberlain rallies his constituents and attempts to send a clear message to the European nations regarding Great Britain’s stance toward German aggression. Towards the end of the speech, he states: “I do not believe there is anyone who will question my sincerity when I say there is hardly anything I would not sacrifice for peace. But there is one thing that I must except, and that is the liberty that we have enjoyed for hundreds of years, and which we will never surrender.” In the face of an inevitable war, Great Britain will not lose its identity nor will it succumb to the pressures of the German Empire. Chamberlain’s attempts for peace have been exhausted; Great Britain has no option left but to fight. In the passage, Chamberlain references the liberty of Great …show more content…
Chamberlain makes the point that the liberty of each independent state of Europe is at risk if no intervention occurs. Each nation that has the capability of resisting German aggression and intervening in the situation has a duty to preserve liberty; Great Britain does not stand alone in this fight. Chamberlain concludes his speech by saying:
I feel bound to repeat that, while I am not prepared to engage this country by new unspecified commitments operating under conditions which cannot now be foreseen, yet no greater mistake could be made than to suppose that, because it believes war to be a senseless and cruel thing, this nation has so lost its fibre that it will not take part to the utmost of its power in resisting such a challenge if it ever were made. For that declaration I am convinced that I have not merely the support, the sympathy, the confidence of my fellow-countrymen and countrywomen, but I shall have also the approval of the whole British Empire and of all other nations who value peace, indeed, but who value freedom even

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