For example, according to the “Firearms Coalition”, a right-wing gun activist group, aiming to protect gun right in the U.S, Chris Dunk, a representative of the coalition states that only “4,000 out of 140 million background checks were re-checked in 2011 by “Homeland Security”, the latest year for which data is accessible by the FBI. I was pretty surprised at this because you would think, that surely out of so many checks, there had to be way more than 4,000 checks that should have been reviewed, considering that 30 mass shootings happened in 2011, and 14,407 people were killed in homicides in 2011, according to official FBI data. So I did some more digging online and found that according to public data found online, many criminal offenders had not had background checks re-checked or they were completely missed, such as Jared Lee Loughner, a mentally ill patient, who in January 2011, shot 7 people, including U.S Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Loughner was a mentally ill man, and therefore should not have been able to buy a gun, but his background check got PASSED and he ended buying a gun when he shouldn’t have. Shocked to see why his check was not reviewed, I dove deeper and found many other people who had gotten away with crimes, and who were not checked thoroughly in the first place. This problem did not just extend to 2011 either and this problem sure still goes on and started well before ‘11. Many other people such as Seung Hui-Cho, who shot and killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007, also did not have his check reviewed even though he like Loughner, was mentally and should not have been able to buy a gun. Gun control laws also have many loopholes to use, such as the fact that you can send
For example, according to the “Firearms Coalition”, a right-wing gun activist group, aiming to protect gun right in the U.S, Chris Dunk, a representative of the coalition states that only “4,000 out of 140 million background checks were re-checked in 2011 by “Homeland Security”, the latest year for which data is accessible by the FBI. I was pretty surprised at this because you would think, that surely out of so many checks, there had to be way more than 4,000 checks that should have been reviewed, considering that 30 mass shootings happened in 2011, and 14,407 people were killed in homicides in 2011, according to official FBI data. So I did some more digging online and found that according to public data found online, many criminal offenders had not had background checks re-checked or they were completely missed, such as Jared Lee Loughner, a mentally ill patient, who in January 2011, shot 7 people, including U.S Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Loughner was a mentally ill man, and therefore should not have been able to buy a gun, but his background check got PASSED and he ended buying a gun when he shouldn’t have. Shocked to see why his check was not reviewed, I dove deeper and found many other people who had gotten away with crimes, and who were not checked thoroughly in the first place. This problem did not just extend to 2011 either and this problem sure still goes on and started well before ‘11. Many other people such as Seung Hui-Cho, who shot and killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007, also did not have his check reviewed even though he like Loughner, was mentally and should not have been able to buy a gun. Gun control laws also have many loopholes to use, such as the fact that you can send