
Why Is I Worth Dying For Religious Faith?

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Why Is I Worth Dying For Religious Faith?
There was a time when I was stationed at my desk during my 10th grade English class where I wish I would have spoken up. As a class, we began a discussion about whether or not it was worth dying for religious faith. There were many opinions that were expressed through my fellow classmates, many that I did not agree with based upon my own faith in God. These opinions were popular beliefs among my fellow classmates, and among others in the school. I felt as if I should stand up and speak in a firm manner about my own personal belief, but could not express my thoughts. As I was processing the opinions of my accompanying classmates, I could not help but focus on bible verses that I had previously memorized in my own personal quiet times at home. One verse, in particular, was Hebrew 11:1, which states,"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." This verse compelled me, yet I could not seem to rid …show more content…
My proposition should have been expressed as follows,"As it is stated in Isaiah 58:1, Christians as a whole should stand firm in their faith no matter the consequences that can be suffered as a result of the wickedness of man. In Isaiah 58:1, it is stated,"Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the descendants of Jacob their sins." God is explicitly stating, through his prophets, that we should not hold back our proclamations." If I were to have taken a stand in my classroom and expressed my previously stated opinion, then I believe I would have fulfilled the will of God in that very moment. This would ultimately have relieved the pain that I felt deep inside, and rescued me from the undeniable regret that I still feel to this very

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