Airport security is necessary because it protects us from terrorist attack. The Department of Homeland security has a mission is to secure the nation from many threats that Americans face. Homeland Security officials said that in 2015, more than ten thousand people were denied to enter the United states,after being scanned by officials at a foreign airport. This shows that airport security is necessary because when Homeland officials denies ten thousand people entering prevents people from carrying an attack on the us. It is important that we don't change airport security because airport security protects us from terrorist attacks. …show more content…
Airport security is necessary because its influence spreads across the globe in an effort to protect America.
Mr. Kerlikowske of the customs and border agency said “a preclearance protocol, would most likely stopped Mr. Abdulmutallab from boarding a flight during his attempt to detonate a bomb. This shows that airport security is important to keep people safer because if the government created a preclearance protocol it would prevented terrorist from entering the U.S and keep Americans safe. It is important that airport security is not to be changed because it is to protect
Airport security is not necessary because it invades personal privacy. Even though airport security invades privacy it is an small price to pay in order to keep Americans safe. David J. Bentley, an analyst at the center for Aviation in Manchester said the most recent section of airports is The Department of Homeland Security for preclearance shows more focus on security than travel. This shows that even though it is a small price to pay for airport security,it is important that Americans are safer than being is important to remember that even though you may be unconfterble you are safe.
In conclusion airport security norms should not be changed. Airport security protects us from terrorist attacks and how the Department of Homeland Security is' using its influence across the globe in an effort to protect America. So think about if airport security is good or disagree and think airport security is bad.