The first steps any individual working in a setting with children and young people must take is to read and understand the policies, procedures and working practice in place in their work setting. If an individual does not understand or needs clarification, then it is their responsibility to seek …show more content…
For example, an upset or distressed child may require comforting by a hug or close contact. Work settings will provide clear guidance about when and how to touch children and young people in order to protect the staff and the children.
Risk Assessments will be used to ensure any education visits away from the work setting meet the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Regulations Act 1999. This will ensure any potential risks have been assessed adequately and measures will be put in place to control these risks. Risk Assessment considerations would include:
• The age, competency, fitness and general behaviour of the children/young people attending the activity/visit
• Any special education needs or requirements of specific individuals in attendance
• Adult to student ratio required
• Competence/relevant qualifications of supporting adults
• Transport