Literacy to me is expanding the knowledge of just having the ability to read and write. Knowing you can do more with literacy, is beyond just reading and writing. Expanding your education on how you use literacy, means going out and seeing what you really know. Literacy can be spread throughout cultures, and taking what they know and help those students perform better in the classroom. I do not think literacy is just sitting in the classroom, it is taking it more than that. It is applying what you already know, and using that in the real world. Literacy is crucial for one individual successes. It holds the key of knowing how to function in today society. A student could be engaged in the four skills, reading,
listening, writing, and speaking, and not just use them academically.
How can literacy be defined in classrooms? Literacy does not have to deal with just reading, it can be dealt with in math, science, or history. Literacy can also be used in technology, and how we pay our bills, manage money, etc. Professors can use literacy to an extent. All professors have a different way of teaching their students, some may not apply literacy to their ability. Some could teach the material out of a textbook, or they could also teach from what they know about literacy. I think using books are great, but using some other type of resource is even better. When professors teach the content some other way, may give students the boost they need. You could use literacy in your everyday life.